I love having a list ready when my kids can't figure out what to do!
Sometimes I use the list for my own reference, and sometimes I just hand them the list and it triggers their imagination.
This list is rich in links! You could even use it as a Christmas shopping ideas when the grandmas ask what your kids want for Christmas! (I don't get any kickback for any of the links.)

Magna Tiles
Tinker Toys
Lincoln Logs
Wooden Blocks
Wooden Train set
Marble Maze
Dominoes maze

Cozy reading spot (blankets, pillows, music, flashlights or lantern)
Attic Play (We keep extra toys in the attic....they like to occasionaly disappear into the attic to see what treasures they can find.)
Basement play
Big Boxes (add crayons, lanterns, pillows, blankets, snacks)
Bird identification
Bike Riding
Roller Blades
Indoor Basketball
Nerf War
Audio Books
- Audible
- Hoopla (free audiobooks through your library card!)
- Libby (free audiobooks through your library card)
- Drive Through History
- Jonathon Park Audio Adventures (teaches creation science and apologetics)
- Father Gilbert (available cheaper here) (For older kids only!)
- Focus on the Family Radio Theatre
- Lamplighter Theatre
- Adventures in Odyssey
Watching with a purpose:
Kids' Exercise videos
Nature videos
History Videos
Science Fun
Dove Soap (put it in the microwave and it puffs up!)
Water Beads (possible choking hazard...but so fun!!!)
Ice Blocks (Freeze small items in containers of water. Remove from containers and let kids "chip" away at the ice or use salt to discover the treasures.)
magic milk (put whole milk in a dish, drop some drops of food coloring around the milk - don't stir. Dip a q-tip into dawn dish soap and touch it to the milk. Watch the colors swirl!)
Food Fun
No-bake cookies
cake in a mug
peanut butter protein balls
platter of munchies
make dinner/make a restaurant
Creative Fun
coloring with sharpies (pair with audiobooks)
play games (connect 4, chutes and ladders, uno, go fish, battleship)
Design a game (order blank game board, buy used games for the game pieces at goodwill)
make videos
painting on canvas
Window painting
make a leaf collection
gather branches for grateful tree
rake leaves & jump in them (make a pile at the bottom of the slide!)
fill pumpkin leaf bags
collect colored leaves and decorate with them in the house
waxed leaves (put leaves between sheets of wax paper and iron on low setting)
collect pinecones -
- spray paint gold or silver
- paint with kid paints and paintbrushes
- cover in peanut butter and birdseed and hang outside
keep snow suits on a hook by the door they can access themselves, and a bin for hats gloves and boots. so you don't have to go to a bunch of work every time they come in and out.
snowball fights
snow fort
snow blocks
snow angels
snowball stash (see who can make the biggest pile)
pick flowers
mud pies
Tonka trucks in the dirt
sand box
creek play
ice blocks
water balloons (out the windows!)
watermelon explosion
pop and mentos
Bubble guns
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