What started it all was our Dave Ramsey (And Junior) Saving Program. Caiden has been saving his chore money forever to go see Disney on Ice (Toy Story 3). Well...to save money we decided only one of us would go with him. He would pay for his own ticket with his saved money and we would cover the other ticket from the budget.
Caiden was so excited in the days leading up to our date. He was especially concerned that we leave early so we wouldn't miss Buzz. Every day he would remind me about our leaving time to keep it fresh on my mind. : )
Oh, his faces.... |
It worked out just perfectly to use one of my Living Social deals for the girls and David at the same time Caiden and I were gone. I had purchased a half price Living Social Deals coupon for a lovely tea house. And kids are already half price, so we got a great deal! So David and the girls dressed up nice and had the "Dutchess Tea" at the Serenity tea house in Zionsville. They had fruit spritzers, fresh fruit with dips, chocolate covered strawberries, dainty sandwiches, scones and lovely little desserts. And three kinds of tea served up beautifully with rose-shaped sugar lumps. (The Rose Petal tea was their favorite.) Kayla is somewhat of an eight-year-old expert on taking tea (thanks to American Girl). It was fun to get to practice her tea-taking skills at a real tea house.
Caiden and I had a rip-roaring blast. When we got there, the skating rink was full of toy soldiers! It was so fun to watch Caiden leaning forward in his seat with such excitement. Part of the time he was practically shaking. We laughed and had a grand time.
My handsome date looks a bit tuckered after all that fun! |
I knew the vendors would be tempting and WAY over our budget, so on the way we stopped at Wendy's to fill our tanks for under 5 bucks total! But it did still take some resolve to resist all of the $15.00 hotdogs and $10.00 Icee cups! I'm only partially exaggerating. We like to park in the attached garage and go to the uncovered rooftop parking for only $6.00. And sometimes they don't even park you on the roof. We actually got a parking spot right by the elevators because we payed less and were sent to an empty floor. Cool tip, huh?
We love family nights of all kinds (most of them free and on the living room floor), but every once in awhile we try to have some specific mommy and daddy time.
Alas, David forgot the other camera and this is all we have to show of their fancy tea....the leftovers. He got some pictures on his phone but I haven't gotten them off of there yet....
Sometimes the perks of parenting are such fun! I love my job.
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