I've been Slurped!

by sarahmfry, January 25, 2011
I'm super-excited about this project.  My blog has been "slurped" into a book at www.blurb.com.  The website read all of my posts - from day one of my blog.  I chose to include only 2010.  And it automatically put them into book format - words and pictures!  Now I'm rearranging and editing a bit to get things as I want them.  Then I click order and they send me my 2010  blog in a beautiful 12x12 coffee table book!

If I love it as much as I think I do, I'm planning to do this each year with my Christmas money.  I don't scrapbook anymore and we don't print pictures.  They stay on our computer and external hard drive as digital albums.  So...this is a blog, scrapbook, journal, and family photo album all in one!


Already, it is keeping me more on my toes about updating the blog for the sake of preserving the memories and honoring the days.

Consequently, you may see more posts on here about things you care nothing about.  And I may even be doing some back-blogging if time allows and I'm in the mood.  But that's the beauty of blogging - you only come visit if you want!
Summer, 2010 - The kids' first run - Run For Ronald, Indy

I may end up having to split each year into two books.  Who knows. The possibilities are endless.

Questions for you:
Anyone else been slurped?  What company did you use?  Were you happy with quality?  And....if anyone has used blurb, is it worth upgrading the paper?
July, 2010 - Kayla catches lots of fish!  

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