Gifts & Blessings......
#100 - Fresh strawberries & sunshine
#102 - Puppy pile in the corner of the kitchen
#103 - Help (from our friend Paul) with removing puppy dew claws #104 - Watching him crush the cookies for dessert.....with his horse, oh my!
#105 - Tasting the tears
#106 - When daddy helps straighten a room
#107 - Watching boys (3 and 8 mo.) become brothers. Chasing one another, wrestling, laughing.
#108 - Warm sweet cinnamon sourdough bread from the hands of a friend
#109 - Easter dinner with family - ham gravy!
#110 - Easter dresses and egg hunts
#111 - "I love you....You're byooful" words I hear almost everyday from my 3-yr-old boy
#112 - Squeezing my baby dough boy while he smiles his blue eyes
#113 - Feeling the panic of too much in one week, then remembering I can say no...or later. (A long-coming lesson learned!)
#114 - Heart trying to sort through a tough lesson, and feeling the glimmer of light - the beginning of a big understanding?
#115 - Little hands and color everywhere and oohs and ahhs and sparkling eggs
#116 - The leftover mess in my kitchen because I chose to spend extra time with the kids
#117 - Baby who's big enough to pull things off of shelves!!!
#118 - Sitting on the stairs of the downtown circle with David - just talking and watching and laughing
#119 - The chance to practice keeping my mouth shut when irritated (building spiritual muscle)
#120 - Watching Karissa and daddy talk and laugh and play together. Knowing he's speaking her language.
#121 - Lounging outside under the gazebo on a Sunday afternoon with David, the day so beautiful we can't make ourselves go inside
#122 - So many blessings I can't get stopped.
#123 - Blessed with the family who dirties dishes and soils laundry.....
The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance;the wise grows it under his feet.
~James Openheim
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