David and I went on an Indy date to celebrate my birthday. We were disappointed that Robert's camera shop was closed by the time we got there, but walked around the city for about an hour. We spent some time in the Conrad (scoping out new bridal shot locations). After a dash through the rain to our car, we drove down Mass Ave and headed to....
Broad Ripple!
We first fell in love with this village while biking through it on the Monon Trail.
After much exploration, we settled on dinner at Ambrosia.
It was an absolutely perfect evening for dinner on the patio. There was a delicious breeze and the atmosphere was lazy-Monday-evening.
This fine dining experience was a rare and special retreat from our "family of six dining on the McD's dollar menu for $10" mindset.
David chose Tortellini Panccetta (I never met a Tortellini I didn't like). The pasta and sauce were delish..... But we both officially decided we do NOT like panccetta. And I had the Swordfish special....with sauteed spinach and capers in an incredible (garlic olive oil?) sauce. David and I were both very taken with the swordfish. It was completely not fishy, with a tender but meaty texture. We decided to try to buy some and experiment with our own swordfish recipe.
Our waiter liked our camera. We like it too. (So much we have one for each of us!) He must have said something funny....oh yeah....he got on to me for not smilling.After dinner we walked around Broad Ripple talking and taking pictures.
We left twilight on the canal and drove around Butler University exploring and talking. It was a happy birthday date - full of "Sabbath Living" (More on that in an upcoming post....)
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Walking in wonder. Savoring the good, looking for the beauty, learning from it all with open hands and heart. Daily amazed by grace. Daughter of Abba. Wife of a pastor. Mother of 6. Music Teacher. Lover of words.
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