Kayla, on the other hand, would take off down the road on one of those things by herself if we'd let her - hair flying, skirts hitched up, and laughing all the way. We've got some excting years to come, that's for sure. Gotta love that girl.
Riding with Grandpa Fry
by sarahmfry, April 22, 2009
Grandpa Fry and Uncle Danny are now in the power sports business ("Fry Power Sports" - mopeds, motorcycles, 4-wheelers - you know, big boy toys.) We get to enjoy some of the perks.....Motorcycle and 4-wheeler rides!

It's official: Kayla is our daredevil. Caiden will have nothing more to do with the 4-wheelers at this point. He prefers to watch and chase from a safe distance. Karissa will ride, but she's guarded.
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