This stunning picture compliments of our little rubber-band-held Kodak Easyshare. Unfortunately, awards night was a project it wasn't equipped to handle..... If you have good pictures of the evening, please feel free to share them at! But we did get this one sweet picture of Kayla, her Daddy and her one trophy. She was frighteningly pleased with her trophy. It was for "Miss Creative." Not "Miss Gets Her Seatwork Done" or "Miss Follows Directions Well," mind you. But she certainly fits the trophy title. She informed me that it was an appropriate title for her, because, she said, she drew pictures instead of doing her homework! At least she recognizes her weaknesses...
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Walking in wonder. Savoring the good, looking for the beauty, learning from it all with open hands and heart. Daily amazed by grace. Daughter of Abba. Wife of a pastor. Mother of 6. Music Teacher. Lover of words.
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