I'm cracking up. David bravely agreed to take all 3 kids to the doctor this morning while I set up our moving sale for tomorrow. (Our doc is a LONG drive from here). I just got in from some errands, and called him at the Dr's office to see if they had any questions (not that I doubt my husband's intelligence, but he may not be as up-to-date on the mom details like how long have the noses been green instead of clear and which ear is the baby pulling and what is the consistency of the eye gunk). Anyway....the baby does have an ear infection. And when I asked about the other two girls, he said..."I'll have to get the list and read it to you later." lol
I knew my kids were really sick, but a list? Oh great.
I'm a firm believer that the body was designed to heal itself if you treat it right and give it time. But there are days when a doctor is....well...just what the doctor ordered! Sounds like this was one of those times. I decided when the constant fussiness turned into constant screams that I'd better send them to the doc or go to one myself for my ulcer!!
After they left, I was walking through the house and had that wonderful realization wash over me that I'm all ALONE!! Oh joy, oh bliss. "Thank you, Lord!" I said out loud.
Now I'm headed back into the blistering Alabama sun to prepare the moving sale of the century.
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