I have an announcement to make:

by sarahmfry, January 31, 2013
You will be thrilled to know that baby Christian went 4.5 hours between feedings last night and I only had to get up once!!!   He ate at 11:30, then again at 4am.  And he ate about 3 ounces, burped and WENT BACK TO SLEEP!  No screaming!  No floor-walking.  Oh joy, oh bliss.  Then he stayed asleep again until 7...I even had time to finish up lunches and do the girls' hair before the morning feeding.  (A beautiful change from his usual 12-3-5:00-ish feeding pattern that stretches out almost until the kids get up at 6:30.)

With all that sleep, you never know what I might accomplish today.  It could be epic.

I'd love to sit here holding this quiet bundle of sleeping love.  I'd love to ignore the fact that there are 11 fat furry puppies with freshly filled tummies running loose in my basement preparing to poop up my world.  I'd love to pretend that I don't hear them making their chubby way up the stairs towards my kitchen.  But if I don't go catch them and cage them, I will regret it for sure.

Thank you for sharing my happy announcement. I am quite sure this means that tonight he will wake up every hour and a half and have a bad tummy.  But I'll take what I can get when I can get it.  Amen.

Have a lovely day.  And please buy a puppy.

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