Snowed In...

by sarahmfry, February 07, 2011
Last week was such a cozy-snowy week!  The kids were home all week but Monday.  I love having them home (accept, of course, those moments when I don't love it).  We have homeschool-ish hearts, and it suits us to be together and make our own schedule. (Well, except when they're - you know - KILLING each other.)

We worked on homework

Practiced violin, cello & piano (the girls even talked me into teaching them to fiddle a liddle. David heard our wild violin/cello fiddling from the other room and hollered, What was all THAT about?  Apparently the good Dr. doesn't know a hoe-down when he hears one.)

Ate soup and played games with friends
Mexican Train Dominoes at the Johnson's

Kayla and I are quite a team.  Be afraid. Be very afraid.
The kids Built trains, created a puppet show, designed a routine where they each took turns dancing to a song from my running playlist while Corin boogied along (it was a hoot):

Read good books and Caiden built a book-road (Do you have any idea how much I LOVE to hear my 4-year-old son beg to read books together?):

Drank lots of hot tea and cocoa with cream

The favorites?
  • Mommy's signature "Indiana" cocoa (Karissa & Daddy & the whole family)  It's super-yummy.  And just for the record, "Indiana" hot chocolate is the favorite around here as opposed to Mexican hot chocolate (a more cinnamony blend which the kids are not fond of.)  So they want cocoa from Indiana, not Mexico.  Caiden coined the term "Indiana" Hot Chocolate.
  • Blueberry Tea (Kayla)
  • Black Cherry Tea (Caiden)
  • Chocolate-Hazelnut Tea (Mommy)

This time last year - having tea with my sis in Ireland

 The kids take their tea with sugar and cream. I like whatever weight watchers will let me have.

Missing my sis...
And I even broke out the tin of tea "biscuits" I'd been saving for a special occasion.  In Ireland, after eating we always have tea. And "biscuits" are small, yummy assorted tea cookies that you have with your tea.  Tea biscuits are a favorite around here.

The layers and layers of ice were nice,  but I was a bit sad that the 12-19 inches of snow didn't really seem to happen.  BUT....the giant fluffy snowfall came days later.  It was my favorite!  I cannot tell you how giddy snow makes me.  I just super-love it.

I sat in my favorite chair and looked out my favorite window and loved on my favorite kids and favorite husband.  What's not to love?  

I did real work too.  I promise.  Plenty of it.  And the end of the week was a busy and sad one for our church.....But  God is good.  All the time.  More on that later.


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