But we're ready now. The dog kennels have been given extra protection from the elements. Extra candles have been purchased (far be it from me to miss up an opportunity to buy new candles! And of course, we had to light the new candles to make sure they worked okay.....My buddy Caiden helped me out.) Bread is baked. Cereal and milk stocked up (what else do you eat during power outages?) Dog food is replenished. Suitcases are packed in case our electric & heat go out and we have to go to Grandma & Grandpa's to take advantage of their fireplace and kerosene heater. Baths are taken in case a power outage leaves us without hot water. Coats, suitcases, food and homework ready by the door. Candles ready in strategic places in case we wake up to a dark & frigid house. Stacks of books just waiting to be read! Blogging caught up in case we lose power and internet.
It has been sorta exciting, getting ready for this big ice storm and blizzard. I'm a sucker for adventure. They've predicted 1.5 inches of ice and then 12-16 inches of snow. I was out running errands in the ice, and it was coming down painfully hard and fast (literally). You can hear it pelting against the windows.
But it was a quiet evening here. In fact, while David and I were working on projects it got so quiet I got worried and went in to check on the kids. They were all four sprawled out around the living room, all either sleeping or almost sleeping or reading.
Who knows if we'll wake to darkness. But we're ready to be snowed in!
Bring it On!

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