I haven't blogged for a whole entire month! In the 4-weeks-or-so since I last blogged, we have been busy......
traveled to Cincinnati to spend some extra time with Grandma Parsons, who has cancer
went to Dayton, OH for IHC
back to Cincinnati to spend the weekend with family
home to Frankfort - teach lessons, work on pictures, unpack, repack
made some huge decisions with David
back to Cincinnati to play in the orchestra for my Dad's last Oratorio
two wonderful days with my sister Deanna
back to Frankfort on Wednesday
teach lessons, unpack, laundry, homework, life
took Mom Fry to Dinner and shopping for Mother's Day
Calls, emails, family visits...the fun process of selling 8 puppies!
Back to Cincinnati for a quick Mother's day/be-with-Deanna day-and-a-half
back to Frankfort (notice the pattern?)
teach lessons, prepare for Spring Recital
finish up wedding pictures and senior pictures
Celebration dinner date @ Maggianos with David
doctor visit for Corin, then x-rays at the hospital in search of mysterious swallowed object
back to Cincinnati on Friday for some partying in honor of Greg's graduation
GBS Graduation on Saturday morning
back to Frankfort in a flash for our own awards banquet in Lafayette on Saturday evening
Sunday: send-off-to-the-army-party for Greg
and tomorrow evening: my studio Spring Recital @ 6:00 pm.
It makes the head spin just to look at those last few weeks in writing.
Some of it is probably out of order and I'm sure I left things out, but you get the general idea....I've been chasing my tail.
These have been full, wonderful days packed with memories and blessings.
We're as happy as if we had good sense.
And pictures of all this craziness? You betcha. But the chances of me getting caught up on posting them are mighty slim indeed.
BUT you can go to the dog blog to see puppy pictures, if you're one of those who have been impatiently waiting. I forgot to mention that we've been updating that blog with the puppy pictures. It has been a flurry of puppies around here - it won't be long till they're all gone!
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