The Children's Museum
Kayla and Karissa extracting DNA from Wheat Germ in the Biotech Lab.
Baby Corin is the coolest scientist on the block
Daddy building a dam in Scienceworks
Poor Caiden - after he got this grand skyscraper built, some kid flounced by, knocked it down, and walked on. Caiden started rebuilding....
The Dinosphere - as viewed from the observation deck upstairs in the dragon area. We spend hours in this place. Our kids know the dinosaurs by name. Seriously.
The Indianapolis Zoo
Getting ready to touch the sharks
Quite possibly the coolest Walrus I've ever met
Spectacular bird...hard to believe it's real
a bear (really?)
Loved the dolphin show! It almost made me cry, it was so cool. (How weird is that, to cry at a dolphin show. I must need vitamins or something.)

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