I haven't been much of a blogger lately, but here is some of what we've been up to.....
Jodi (Newton) and Josh Emery Wedding - January 31
The wedding was in Ohio. It was a winter wonderland - a beautiful wedding. David and I did the pictures - our first time to do a wedding together. We now have matching cameras, and it was a neat experience to be capturing everything together from two different angles. The families and bridal party were so totally easy to work with - no tension or grouchiness. It was a late wedding, so the bride and groom chose to do all pictures before the wedding - including family shots - so they could go straight to the reception. I was so excited that we finished all of the pictures (except for 2 family pictures that had to wait) an hour and a half before the wedding! Then everyone stood around and talked, rested and practiced their music. As the receiving line finished, we had the families in place ready for the picture. We added the bride and groom, took a couple of shots and went straight over to the reception. After a yummy soup bar, mocha punch and one of Marianne Brown's amazing cakes, we went outside and captured everyone tossing (or should I say pelting) snowflakes at the new couple. It was a fun day.
Zeb Bender - One Week Old
My best friend from 5th grade, Rachel (McIntyre) Bender and Jonathan were recently blessed their 3rd son. I got to visit him this weekend - he was about one week old. He's simply perfect - a "Gift of God Asked For." God is so good.
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