This is a park about 15 minutes from our house. It is owned by the youth of our county, or something like that. It is maintained by this wonderful old gentleman who let us into the nature center and showed us all kinds of great nature stuff.
After a delicious picnic, and a very cool discovery of and animal carcas in the edge of the woods, we set out for some easy hiking. There's just something about getting out there...the trees, the air, the birds. It puts things into perspective.
Hiking buddies
Simple BeautyA thick, cooling canopy
Bubby, after an unfortunate enounter with a flood puddle near the creek
Our barefoot hiker, with her new hiking stick and her sack of nature plunder. I think she was an Indian in her past life.
Thank you, Grandma, for a fun time! A Blue Moon and Chocolate ice cream stop on the way home....HAPPY DAY!
It's late, and I can't even remember the name of the park at the moment. It'll come to me after some sleep. We hope to return for a little risk-free camping soon.This park also hosts an incredible camping/stargazing event in July. They have some powerful stargazing equipment on site.
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Walking in wonder. Savoring the good, looking for the beauty, learning from it all with open hands and heart. Daily amazed by grace. Daughter of Abba. Wife of a pastor. Mother of 6. Music Teacher. Lover of words.
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