Hooray for spring! Puddles and daffodils and bike riding....

Let's all hope David doesn't see this one.... Can you blame a boy for wanting to join his sisters in the dress-up fun? Isn't he pretty? (The kids are all getting a roaring hoot out of seeing this one on screen.) They're all gathered around the screen, making me "read the stories" about them. Ah....21st Century quality family time.

Family Night: Coloring.
Lately, the kids' very favorite family night activities are duck-duck-goose, ring around the rosie and London Bridge. This night, we all grabbed crayons and colored together before we played some games.

Max sits by David while he studies. Max is a strong-willed child. (Mya is the compliant one.) He gets a lot of spankings. This particular night, he was really a stinker. But he likes to cuddle and stay close after he's been disciplined.
Caiden didn't want to let Max get all the love.....
(Oh yeah, they're my 3 good-lookin' dudes!) Karissa wished for this to be the next picture. She was deeply offended when Kayla wanted to name it "The poutin' girl".
Kayla chose this one. She was Taiwanese for spirit week at school.
I think I'll end this post and get back to my home management. The kids have turned their attention to a collective mission to find candy. They're currently searching the top of the china cabinet. I think a little nap distraction is in order.
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