I was carrying a troubled heart, a battling mind,
and a restless spirit.
I was desperate for the calming Breath of Life -
Hungry for the forgiving cleanse of grace.
I finally found the space I needed to dig...and wait....and soak.
Then I could breathe again.
At first, my prayers reached dead space. My spirit stayed crumpled. I drove to pick up the kids, put them all to bed, and took my prayer cards outside into the sunny wind across from a waiting field. And then, scripture by scripture, his Words began to unrattle me. His forgiveness settled into my soul. His counsel set my mind at ease. His quiet washed my heart and I breathed deeply.
He knows me as I long to be known.
He forgives me in my weakness
He understands me before I tell Him,
but he waits - still - eager to listen.
His answers are above me.
The answer is Him.
He is enough again.
"O God,
please set my heart at rest in Your presence
when my heart wants to condemn me.
for You, God, are greater than my heart
and You know everything."
(I John 3:19-20)
Scripture prayer from Beth Moore's "Praying God's Word Scripture-Prayer Cards"
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