Two New Babies!

by sarahmfry, January 13, 2008
We're off on a new adventure.

Ladies and Gentlemen, we'd like to present Max and Mya. Mya is just barely 6 weeks old and Max is 7 weeks old. Mya is smooth, petite and cuddly. Max is a round, fluffy bruiser who eats like a piglet and is ready to take on the world.

They are purebred Golden Retrievers with impressive pedigrees. But they have completely stolen our hearts for no reason at all.

I do sortof feel like I have new babies again! Scheduled feedings. Waking up before the sun for crate training. Standing in the cold while they do their business. Baths and playtime. We're so excited. You can visit our goldens blog to follow this adventure.

Here's one of my favorite pictures of them spooning during their nap. Mya has her arm around Max.

We need some ideas for a kennel name before we give Sir Maxwell and Lady Mya their official AKC names. Those of you who are familiar with the process of those ridiculously long names, do you have any ideas for us? We'd like it to be elegant, but reflect something of who we are. Too bad we don't have some "whispering pines" around here or a "claybrook." We've been brainstorming, but haven't settled on anything yet. We thought about "little blue house without any siding on the end of Blinn Street." But somehow it lacks a certain charm. Doesn't quite have the ring we're looking for. Fryville doesn't quite cut it, either. See what I mean? This is a tough decision.


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