Kansas is where my mom and dad both grew up, and most of my extended family is still there.
We had a wonderful time, as usual. I think the highlight for me was the time after we opened our gifts. We sat around - all 30 of us or so - and discussed what it means to really be a Christian and live a holy life. There was more to it than that, of course, and some theological stuff I won't get into. But I can't tell you what it meant for me to be with my family in such an incredible conversation. There has been a lot of tragedy in our family -- more than the average family ever sees. It has taught us all some very important lessons about what really matters. And what doesn't.
Another highlight was the video call to De and Mark in Ireland. After everyone crowded around the computer to tell funny stories, De and Mark stayed "with" us as we opened gifts. De made her normal little comments from the computer screen in the corner - the very closest thing to actually being together that you could hope for.
Here are some typical shots of the Parsons clan (Mom's family - Overland Park, KS). Sitting around for hours, solving the world's problems, arguing about theology and laughing like a bunch of idiots.

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