Today was our first snow!!! You have to understand, for a family of snow-loving Yankees who have been transplanted in the Deep South for 4 years, this is
a BIG DEAL. We have been anxiously awaiting this day. The 2 youngest ones hardly even know what to do with snow.

So we started a Snow Day tradition (got the idea from the Family
Man, who is awesome, by the way). His family goes out to eat at Long John Silvers and gets some type of "winter" gift. So we've been trying to decide what tradition fits us and is simple enough to repeat over the years. We decided going out to eat was a tough one on Thanksgiving Day, and as the director of this Circus train, I am aware that the expectation to do that on the specific day of the first snow each year could become frustrating. So we'll just play it by ear and it will develop as we go along. This year, the kids opened their "snow gifts" which were cool hats the girls had helped me pick out at Walmart. Caiden's still trying to warm up to his....Then we went ouside to catch the first snowflakes in a jar. Simple, but lots of fun.

I think I embarrassed my poor proper husband when I shouted with glee at the opened door to let everyone know it was snowing. I think the Lord sent me into his life for a reason....heehee

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