I'm so sorry I haven't let you know where I've been. We don't have internet yet. Long and boring story.... So I've been grabbing a moment here or there whenever I can borrow someone's computer. But I usually only have time to read a few emails. I'm a little nervous that I have a bout 5,280 emails to answer whenever I am online again.
So I miss you all. It was so good to see some blogging friends at the Miller/Mater wedding. Thank you for missing me. I haven't been feeling very missable. And thank you for all the online hugs and poems and hellos.
Don't you worry - I'm saving up some words and doing some journaling. I'll be back one of these years. In fact - brace yourselves, girls. I have been bountifully graced with about 3 times the normal female allotment of daily words. And I've been home alone with 3 little kids for 9 weeks while David learned theological German in Chicago. That's a lot of saved up words.....
Better run. We're trying to switch our kid's sleeping schedules from "summer of the nightmare" to "get all the kids up at 6:30 for school." We're already 23 minutes late for bedtime and we're not even home.
Hugs! (Ignore that if you're not a girl.)
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